in London
On September 28 at 2:46 PM
Local Businesses Support our Local Economy!
Shop Local Businesses and Hire Local Contractors First.

You can find all locally owned businesses at in London
On September 03 at 7:39 AM
Selling online made easy with PowerShop!
If your business needs to sell more online, go to and get started today! in London
On August 31 at 8:36 AM
This Labour Day Weekend, show some love for your community.

Support Local Shops, Restaurants and Contractors!

Choose Local First! in London
On August 30 at 3:36 PM
Banks and Credit Card Companies make Billions of dollars in fees from our digital transactions.
While this may be convenient at times, someone has to pay for it.

CASH is still legal tender! It doesn't require an internet connection and it's free to use over and over again, without losing value.

Digital currencies are a great option to have but we don't want to lose the freedom and value of cash. in London
On August 06 at 12:03 PM
Hot days, cool days, rainy days...
It's always a great time to Shop Locally!
Support your local economy by finding local products and services at

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