in London
On November 30 at 12:50 PM
Give the gift of a strong local economy by spending money close to home this Christmas Season!

Shop locally whenever you can. Find all local businesses at: in London
On November 30 at 8:29 AM
This Holiday Season, Shop Locally whenever you can.

Local businesses are the backbone of our economy and they keep our community strong and connected. in London
On November 28 at 10:28 AM
Happy Thanksgiving to our good friends and neighbours in the US.

We know "Black Friday" is an American thing but it definitely has an influence in Canadian Markets. While you might be looking for a deal online from a US company, or even driving across the border for a discount, remember there are great deals available at your Local Retailers all year long.

Keep your money close to home on Black Friday and every day! in London
On November 14 at 7:34 AM
Local Businesses Support our Local Economy!
Shop Local Businesses and Hire Local Contractors First.

You can find all locally owned businesses at in London
On November 11 at 6:43 AM
Today we pay tribute and remember the brave people who fought to protect our country and our freedom!.
#RemembranceDay #LestWeForget

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