Pool Water Analysis


Pool Water Analysis in London, Ontario

Keeping your pool or spa water clean is important to having an enjoyable and healthy swimming season.  Frequent sampling of your pool's water by Naborhood Pool & Spa in London can help you maintain appropriate chemical levels and keep your pool's water clean.

If you live in London, Ontario, bring your pool water samples to Naborhood Pool & Spa.  We'll quickly analyse your sample and recommend any appropriate changes for you to make.

How to take your water sample:

  • Take a clean container (1 litre should do)
  • Take a water sample to a depth of at least 30 cm from the surface (approximatly an armlength)
  • Avoid exposing the sample to sunlight and temperature changes
  • Bring it to Naborhood Pool & Spa for speedy analysis.

Visit Nabourhood Pools & Spa in London, Ontario today for top-quality pool & spa sales and services.


Click here to read "Should I Hire a Pro for Swimming Pool Maintenance?"


Date Added 2014-06-11
Product Id 10239685