Clover Triangle Stitch Markers (S)


Triangle Stitch Markers: Small – $10.98/pkg; 2 available

The Stitch Markers Triangle have a specific triangle shape that allows the knitting needle tips to slip in easily when passing the markers from one needle to another. 16pcs/package; 2 colours; Needle sizes US5 (3.75mm) - US8 (5.00mm)

Product ID#CL3149

Also available in other sizes:

  • XS – for needle sizes US0 (2.00mm) - US4 (3.50mm)
  • Medium  – for needle sizes US9 (5.50mm) - US10.5 (6.50mm)
  • Large – for needle sizes US11 (8.00mm)- US15 (10.00mm)


Date Added 2020-05-22
Product Id 10498584