TrueFelt 100% WOOL PIECES


TRUEFELT – 100% WASHABLE Wool Felt Pieces – $4.98 each

TrueFelt from De Witte Engel is made in Europe and the name stands for the high quality of this felt!  It is regularly tested and is dyed according to European regulations. Therefore, TrueFelt can also be used for children’s toys for kids 4 years and older.  TrueFelt is environmentally-friendly and environmentally sustainable.  And naturally, De Witte Engel always guarantees quality and quality control.
Each sheet measures 8" x 12" (20cm x 30cm) and is 1/8th of an inch thick and is perfect for needle felting, toy making, quilting, patchwork and appliqué. All materials and products used in the making of TrueFelt are environmentally friendly and approved by several international organizations for their levels of purity. 
TrueFelt distinguishes itself from other types of felt by its woollier look, its WASHABILITY and a slightly greater weight per meter.  TrueFelt weighs ca. 450 gram per meter.  The felt is made from pure wool from South American breeds of sheep and produced in Europe and is machine washable.
Thanks to the natural character of this 100% woolen felt, TrueFelt has a huge number of applications and is a highly valued product. This makes it impossible to imagine our textile world without it.

Note: our supplier has retired, so all we have is all we can get.

Quantities and Colours REMAINING

Sold Out

V503 Sun – 4

V604 Chick Yellow – 1
V608 Mustard – 1

Bio-Felt (100% wool felt made from natural sheep colours; no added dye)

Patch-Felt (coloured wool dyed with organic dyes, blended with natural sheep’s black)


Date Added 2018-10-23
Product Id 10448527