Hyde Park Feed & Country Store in London
On May 11 at 12:56 PM
COVID-19 RESPONSE - MAY 11 2020 - Our contact-free pickup with an order by phone will continue until further notice.

Hyde Park Feed & Country Store in London
On May 07 at 9:39 PM
COVID-19 RESPONSE - Phone orders with contact-free porch pickup continue. On damp or rainy days, orders are kept inside until you arrive. Thanks for your awesome support the past several weeks!

Hyde Park Feed & Country Store in London
On May 04 at 4:13 PM
COVID-19 May 4/20 - Phone orders with outdoor porch pickup will continue until we learn more from the government. Thanks for your support!

Check us out on facebook - https://www.facebook.com/hydeparkfeed/photos/a.1346660528703115/2915509091818243/?type=3&theater

Hyde Park Feed & Country Store in London
On April 29 at 9:23 AM
COVID-19 Response - Phone orders 519 471 6870 with contact-free porch pickup here at 1830 Gainsborough Road, London, Ontario. When things are damp outside, orders will be kept inside, until you arrive!

Hyde Park Feed & Country Store in London
On April 22 at 12:00 PM
COVID-19 Response - Phone 519 471 6870 to place your order for outdoor pickup at our location - 1830 Gainsborough Road, London, Ontario. Payment by credit card or e transfer. Thank you for your continuing support!

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