Hoskin Feed & Country Store in Komoka
On March 18 at 10:50 AM
An Update regarding the Covid 19 Virus and Hoskin Feed & Country Store. We will remain OPEN to supply you with feed and supplies for your animals, farm and home. All frequently touched surfaces in the store are being cleaned and sanitized regularly. You are welcome to come in, or if preferred, you can order by phone (519-657-1744), email (store@hoskinfeed.ca), text (519-701-0580) to arrange pickup in the parking lot or delivery for larger orders. Let us know how we can help!

Hoskin Feed & Country Store in Komoka
On March 16 at 10:48 AM
Gardening season is fast approaching! Let our team help you find the tools and supplies you need.

Hoskin Feed & Country Store in Komoka
On March 08 at 11:23 AM
Our shelves are well stocked with all the bird seed you'll need to keep your feathered friends happy this spring!

We are just 10 minutes west of London, just behind the Komoka Recreational Center.

www.hoskinfeed.ca | (519) 657-1744

Hoskin Feed & Country Store in Komoka
On February 14 at 8:56 AM
Valentines treats for your sweetie and your dog and your horse and your birds...surprise them all!!

Hoskin Feed & Country Store in Komoka
On February 10 at 8:34 PM

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