Every part of our body vibrates at a specific sound frequency. Each of the seven Chakras has a specific sound associated with it. Colors also vibrate at a specific frequency. And each Chakra has a color associated with it. Call 519-433-3434 to book your appointment!
It is widely recognized that fever is a vital defense of the body in its efforts to fight infection. A fever enables the body to increase its production of interferon, an important antiviral substance that is critical for fighting infection. Fever also increases white blood cell mobility and activity, which are instrumental factors in fighting infection. 519-433-3434 or Heavenscent.ca learn more.
HydraFacial MD Treatments - here at Heaven Scent! HydraFacial is the only hydradermabrasion procedure that combines cleansing, exfoliation, extraction, hydration and antioxidant protection simultaneously, resulting in clearer, more beautiful skin. 519-433-3434 to Book an appointment for yourself or give it as an amazing gift.
E-cigarettes heat and create vapour from a solution that usually contains nicotine; a thick, colourless liquid called propylene glycol or glycerine; and flavourings. There is no burning involved and no smoke. Research shows that e-cigarettes can help you give up smoking, especially when combined with expert guidance.
December 20-22 is Winter Solstice. The shortest day of the year & the longest night. The Winter Solstice is the celebration of the returning of the sun days becoming longer. During this time we thank earth for the deep winter and darkness as we rest, rejuvenate, find inner peace, calmness, sleep, dream, heal, recharge, and renew. Book your appointment 519-433-3434