Heaven Scent in London
On August 15 at 10:40 AM
Heaven Scent offers several types and styles of Acupuncture by a licensed Acupuncturist. Cosmetic Acupuncture
NeuroFunctional Acupuncture - for pain relief
Classical Acupuncture - for fertility, headaches, sciatic, arthritis, migraines, IBS and many emotional issues

Covered under most Extended Health Care Benefits and we can direct bill for you.

Book A Consultation and find out how acupuncture can help you! 519-433-3434

Heaven Scent in London
On June 11 at 2:32 PM
Wonderful time of year to get to your best weight. With all the fresh vegetables and protein, this could really help you get ot your goal weight and look great.

Start with a friend and get your appointments at half price.

Restarts for free.

Easy and delicious foods. Fast results.

Call for your free 15 minute consult - 519-433-3434

Heaven Scent in London
On June 08 at 8:09 PM
Father's Day - Lots of gifts available at Heaven Scent!

Think about a Gift Certificate for treatments or services!

- allergy Testing

- Aqua Chi Foot Detox

- Detox Foot Patches

- Salt and Crystals

Shop In Store at 169 Wortley Road Wortley Village; By Phone at 519-433-3434 or On Line at www.heavenscent.ca

Heaven Scent in London
On February 14 at 9:38 AM
Happy Valentine's Day -
Kama Sutra - 10% off
Love Potions - 10% off
Essential Oils Kits - 30% off
Massage Tools - 10 % off
Roller Balls - 50% off

Valentine Gift Box Available

Sho In store; On Line and by phone at 519-433-3434

Heaven Scent in London
On August 22 at 3:43 PM
Tarot Card Readings, Numerology and Channeling available from 10 - 3 pm on Saturday.
Book your appointment or drop by on Saturday.
1 hour - $100
1/2 hour - $75
1/4 hour - $45

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