Elgin Pure Water Inc. in St Thomas
On October 10 at 11:39 AM
Do you suffer from headaches? Sometimes headaches can be caused by dehydration, so drinking water can prevent or alleviate that nasty head pain. Next time your head hurts, try drinking water.

Elgin Pure Water Inc. in St Thomas
On October 03 at 11:39 AM
Tip - We get it, water can be pretty boring. But instead of using the flavouring agents you see in stores, opt for something more natural—like watermelon chunks and mint or orange slices. To amp up the taste even more, let it sit for a few hours in your fridge.

Elgin Pure Water Inc. in St Thomas
On September 27 at 9:36 AM
We are the local dealer for the Kinetico brand of water treatment equipment. Kinetico is the only non-electric water treatment product on the market using the energy of moving water to power its products. Kinetico products are also water- and salt-efficient, making it the most environmentally-friendly water system on the market.

Elgin Pure Water Inc. in St Thomas
On September 23 at 10:33 AM
Drinking purified water does a lot more than quench your thirst...it keeps your body in great working order. http://www.elginpurewater.com/

Elgin Pure Water Inc. in St Thomas
On September 20 at 9:35 AM
Does your shower and tub look like this? If there is an iron problem with the water supply, the first step is to determine the source. The source of iron may be from the corrosion of iron or steel pipes or other components of the plumbing system where the acidity of the water, measured as pH, is below 6.5. Give us a call.

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