As hearing health care professionals, we recognize the implications of untreated hearing loss on an individual’s life, from avoidance of social situations, reduced job performance, to loneliness, irritability and anger. At london hearing centre our goal is to provide you with the best possible hearing care based upon your individual needs. We provide quality and affordable audiology services ranging from an initial evaluation of your hearing levels using state of the art diagnostic testing and comprehensive follow-up services including counseling and aural rehabilitation.
If you or a family member has concerns about hearing loss, please contact us to schedule an appointment for a hearing evaluation. With our expertise and the use of advanced hearing aids and computerized technology, we have the ability to help you hear what you've been missing.
We honour government funding programs including: DVA, WSIB, ODSP, NIHB and ADP. We also work with all private insurance companies.
HEARING RELATED SERVICES Hearing assessments for adults and children Hearing aid evaluation and fitting Hearing aids with the newest technology including digital signal processing, blue tooth capabilities and computer programmable aids Tinnitus evaluation and counseling All make hearing aid repairs, with same day in house repairs Home visits by appointment Hearing aid battery sales Counseling on hearing loss and communication strategies for patients and their families Aural rehabilitation classes Custom hearing protection, earmolds, blue-tooth headsets, in-ear monitors
CONSULTING SERVICES Please contact us for more information Unique variety of consulting and research services Speaking engagements and workshops Individual and group services available Available for corporate conferences and functions RELATED DIAGNOSTIC PROCEDURES Speech discrimination/recognition Speech reception thresholds Acoustic immitance, reflexes, and reflex decay Real-ear measurement of all hearing instruments Auditory Processing Disorder consultations
ASSISTIVE LISTENING DEVICES FM systems Personal amplifiers Amplified telephones, add-on and portable telephone amplifiers Television amplifiers Light signals and loud alarms for telephone, doorbell, smoke alarm, and baby cry Pillow vibrators for wake up alarm Sonic Boom alarm clocks